I too, like some of the other reviews, am baffled by the controls. I imagine its a Japanese thing, but the controlled are laid out 0-9, This is really confusing as we expect it to be 1-0, just like a keyboard. It causes a lot of errors while trying to respond quickly (As all games are time based). Strange for a company like Namco to do such an error. At least it would be cool if this could be changed in the options.
The second and REALLY strange thing is that the game wont let you play it more than once a day ?! It really takes itself seriously as an Exercise tool. And prefers that you follow a strict regimen of playing it once a day. Are they afraid well pull a brain muscle or something?! You can play quick games when locked out, but these arent added to your score or wont allow you to unlock new games. Quite strange.
Francky_B about Brain Exercise with Dr. Kawashima, v1.0.1